Wendell Phillips, Short Biography
Wendell Philllips was born in Boston on
29th November 1811. Educated at the
Harvard Law School, he opened a law
office in Boston in 1834.
Phillips was converted to the abolition
of slavery cause when he heard William
Lloyd Garrison speak at the Boston
Female Anti-Slavery Society in 1835.
Phillips was particularly impressed by
the bravery of these people and during
the meeting a white mob attempted to
lynch Garrison.
Phillips was so outraged by what he saw
that he decided to give up law and
devote himself to obtaining the freedom
of all slaves.
Phillips became a leading figure in the
Anti-Slavery Society. A magnificent
orator, Phillips was the society�s most
popular public speaker. Phillips also
contributed to Garrison�s Liberator and
wrote numerous pamphlets on slavery.
During the Civil War, Phillips
criticized Abraham Lincoln for his lack
of commitment to the abolition of
slavery. In 1865 Phillips replaced
Garrison as president of the
Anti-Slavery Society. After the passing
of the 15th Amendment, Phillips
concentrated on other issues such as
women�s rights, universal suffrage and
temperance. Wendell Phillips died in
Boston on 2nd February 1884.
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